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Our Projects

Perth NRM works across a wide range of projects through our Environment, Sustainable Agriculture and Community programs. Our purpose is to empower people to make positive ecological impacts.


RegenWA supports the application of evidence-based practices that generate on-farm natural capital with beneficial outcomes for the environment, and farming enterprises.

Restoration Impact Framework – Collective Impact

Perth NRM is establishing a collective impact approach and investment case for restoring natural capital in the West Australian farming landscape through funding by Lotterywest.

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture creates a focus on using resources efficiently and effectively to ensure quality production for present and future generations.

Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator

Sustainable Agriculture Facilitators (SAFs) form a nationwide Community of Practice, providing regional expertise to the local agricultural sector to access assistance and develop new programs.

WA Stonefruit

Perth NRM has worked with the Western Australian stone fruit industry since 2017 in delivering project management and on ground works to increase the sustainability of the stone fruit Industry.

Food Future

Food Future is about ensuring the generations to come have access to safe, healthy and local fresh food.

Healthy Soils Healthy Rivers

This program was a joint initiative between Perth NRM, Wheatbelt NRM and the Rivers and Estuaries Division at the Department of Parks and Wildlife.

Measuring On-Farm Natural Capital

Industries around the world are adopting new performance standards such as triple-bottom line reporting. Perth NRM is investigating tools for applying environmental reporting in agriculture.

Smart Farms Small Grants

Perth NRM works with stakeholders to secure and implement Smart Farms Small Grants from the Australian Government.

Concept for SIP smartphone app

Sustainability Indicator Project

Imagine if you could answer all the important sustainability questions about your produce at the point of purchase. Perth NRM has been developing a methodology/technology that could do exactly that.

WA Food Security Project

Food security relates to a region's capacity to produce (or access) sufficient, nutritious produce to feed its population. With a growing population and changing climate, it's time for a plan.


You can support Perth NRM in our efforts to create a more sustainable Perth with a tax-deductible donation.

Containers For Change

We are now registered with the Containers for Change, so you can use your waste to make a donation to us.

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