About the Agricultural Produce Commission
The Agricultural Produce Commission Act 1988 (the Act) provides Western Australian agricultural producers with the legal framework to collect funds to provide for the development and security of their industry sector.
The abilities of the Act are available to horticultural and other agricultural industries – except broadacre cropping and grazing, with the Act also providing the ability for an agricultural industry to be prescribed – and thereby able to establish an APC Producers’ Committee. Horticultural industries can include; wine, fruit, vegetables, juices, nuts, turf and flowers.
Some of the commodities which have established APC Producers’ Committees are; vegetables (excluding mushrooms) pome, citrus and stone fruits, pork, poultry and bee keeping.
About our Partnership
The APC stone fruit Sub-Committee formed a partnership with Perth NRM in 2017 to deliver the Value Chain Facilitator Project assisting growers in driving a sustainable Western Australian stone fruit industry.
The project aims to provide value chain activities for the WA stone fruit industry with a focus on promotions and marketing. Building capacity of the industry through all parts of the supply chain; growers, wholesalers and retailers; exporters; international buyers; domestic consumers.
Specific tasks include;
- Consistent grower communication via grower newsletters
- Publications in the WA Grower magazine
- Governance and secretarial support to the grower committee
- Social media promotion and marketing
- Consumer education and awareness
- Project Management
- Events coordination
Projects Supported
WA Stonefruit
Perth NRM has worked with the Western Australian stone fruit industry since 2017 in delivering project management and on ground works to increase the sustainability of the stone fruit Industry.
WA Stonefruit
Visit the Agricultural Produce Commission Website