Our Strategy

In August 2021, the Board approved the Perth NRM Strategic Plan 2021-2026. Developed through whole-of-organisation consultation, the Strategy consolidates our core strengths while focussing on collective impact - from all stakeholders - toward our Vision of a thriving, sustainable ecological system.

Perth NRM Strategy 2021-2026

Our Purpose: Empowering people to positive ecological impact.
Our Vision: We live in thriving natural ecosystems with sustainable food production.
Our Values: We are Inclusive. We see our Place. We voice our Truth. We develop Relationships.

The new Perth NRM Strategy has identified four priorities to guide and meausure our effectiveness as an organisation, and develop metrics that allow us to measure the impact of activities that support our goals.

Importantly, we are progressing a collective impact framework that will allow other organisations to join us in achieving our Vision.

The four Strategic Priorities for 2021 – 2026 are:

Increase Visibility;
Build Our Relationships;
Originate & Apply our Impact Framework; and
Develop a ‘Future-Fit’ Business Model.

Strategic Priority 1:
Increase Visibility

To realise our potential, we need to be seen and known at this critical time.

What will we do?

Promote our expertise:

Be recognised and active in policy, media and social discussions.


  • Coastcare and Landcare
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Community Engagement
  • Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Create new engagement models:

Deliver new opportunities for promoting regional ecological issues and our role in collaborative solutions.

  • Position Statements
  • External Events for key influencers and the broader public
  • Celebrate our achievements, partners and improved ecological outcomes

Strategic Priority 2:
Build our Relationships

Our impact and effectiveness depend fully on energising our current and emerging relationships with others.

What will we do?

Deliver on current projects:
Understand/evaluate ecological management and community capacity interactions.

Leverage networks:
Create new networks outside our existing relationships, providing greater access and inclusion for community voices.

Innovative Projects:
Initiate and lead purpose-driven projects that demonstrate ecological best practice and the power of community networks.

Show/bring the value of Noongar engagement:
Partner with traditional carers for country to support their employment, inclusion, access and consultation.

Strategic Priority 3:
Originate and Apply our Impact Framework

We have to demonstrate our value as much of what we do is intangible and/or long-term. We need to make our outcomes come alive.

What will we do?

Measure our impact:
Develop outcome measurement framework for whole organisation.

Outcome measurements will be vertically consistent, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals and present within program level logics and organisational theory of change.

Communicate/Expand Impact:
Consistent metrics will allow our outcome measurements to form a part of collective impact initiatives with other organisations, governments and businesses. This will demonstrate the value of nature in everyday life and promote ecological action.

Demonstrate opportunities for change:
Assess and address ecological management priorities and gaps at a regional level.

Strategic Priority 4:
Develop a ‘Future-Fit’ Business Model

What got us here today, may not get us where we want to be tomorrow.

What will we do?

Deliver our Purpose:
Our purpose will guide our project goals, activities, and communications to stakeholders. We will maintain a sound foundation of financial and operational systems to enable proactive decision-making on projects.

Organisational and Staff Development:
We will develop organisational approaches to common activities (e.g., capacity building, education, engagement etc.) across programs to achieve greater efficiencies and opportunities for collaboration. Staff will be encouraged to work with management to develop skills and secure funding for projects that promote our Purpose.

Package solutions for stakeholders:
We will seek opportunities to replicate our successful programs for new partners, creating greater ecological and collective impact and maximising the use of developed materials and staff competencies.

Diversify our funding:
Implement and expand our funding strategies,e.g., grant making, philanthropy, donations, sponsorship.


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