Measuring On-Farm Natural Capital
Industries around the world are adopting new performance standards such as triple-bottom line reporting. Perth NRM is investigating tools for applying environmental reporting in agriculture.
Industries around the world are adopting new performance standards such as triple-bottom line reporting. Perth NRM is investigating tools for applying environmental reporting in agriculture.
Perth NRM has partnered with RegenWA on a research project to assist farmers in making management decisions, enhancing communication of their environmental performance, and ultimately improve their land stewardship practices.
Our farming enterprises are underpinned by ‘natural capital’ which helps to generate ecosystem services for food production. The land management practices of farmers are directly associated with the inherent value and productive capacity (natural capital) of farmland.
We have worked with 20 properties across WA to help develop the tools, techniques and measures to create a Natural Capital Accounting framework that will help guide policy and resources for the agricultural sector.
The Measuring On-Farm Natural Capital program is delivered in partnership with Integrated Futures, with funding and support from Commonland and the State Natural Resources Management Program.
We acknowledge and appreciate the support of all our partners, supporters, funding bodies and sponsors.