Decade of Indigenous Languages

10th January, 2023

UNESCO recently announced 2022-2032 to be the Decade of Indigenous Languages, to preserve, revitalise and support Indigenous languages worldwide.

There are an estimated 250 Aboriginal languages across Australia with more than 600 dialects – with more than 110 of those here in Western Australia.

People living in Perth may be familiar with the word ‘Noongar’ – the Noongar people are the original inhabitants of the south-west of WA. The Perth metropolitan area is largely located within the area of the Whadjuk dialect region – just one of 14 dialect groups within the larger Noongar nation.

Nationwide, many languages and dialects have been lost over generations. Preservation and support of our local Indigenous cultures is vital to ensure future generations can benefit from thousands of years of Indigenous history and knowledge.

For more information on local Noongar language, check out the Traditional Knowledge Resources on our website. Also, follow us on socials (Facebook and Instagram) or sign up to our newsletter to book in for our upcoming Six Season Walks with traditional Noongar Elders.


Image thanks to Kaartdijin Noongar – Noongar Knowledge


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