Adopt A Beach Learning Resources Above and Below – Colouring In Sheet Bivalves – Is this an open and shut case? Echinoderms – Stars of the sea, beach balls and warty sausages! Violet Snails – Violet, not violent. Tracks and Traces – Stories in the sand Beachcombing investigation cards Noongar language and culture Videos Noongar Boodja – Outlines Noongar Country and Wadjuk territory within that country. The Aboriginal Flag – Outlines the history and meaning of the Aboriginal Flag. Noongar Animals – Provides the Noongar names for a number of animals and birds. Animal Tracks – Shows the tracks West Australian animals make. Noongar Seasons – Outlines the six Noongar seasons, and where the Noongar people were during those seasons. The Yonga Booka – Talks about the kangaroo skin cloak that Noongar people traditionally wore. The Kilee – Describes how the boomerang was used by Noongar men. The Yandi – Describes the uses of the dish that Noongar women carried. The Quandong – Talks about bush foods and the Noongar traditional food quandong. Other links Whadjuk Walking Trails: Noongar stories and knowledge repository GECKOS (Growing Enriched Cultural Knowledge in Our Schools) Torres Strait Regional Authority: General History The Little Red Yellow Black Website: An introduction to Indigenous Australia Activity Sheets Noongar Animals Picture Match (pdf) Noongar Animals Word Fill (pdf) Noongar Numbers (pdf) Noongar Family Members (pdf) Print this page