10th September, 2020 - 11th September, 2020
Start Time
End Time
Event Length
Two Days
Technology Park Function Centre
2 Brodie-Hall Drive, Bentley, WA, 6102

Due to COVID-19 restrictions delaying both events, the Dieback Information Group Conference and South Coast NRM Dieback Information Forum will be run as a combined event in September of this year.

Come along for two days of knowledge sharing, discussion, and collaboration on one of Western Australia’s largest biosecurity threats – Phytophthora Dieback

This year’s theme is Tools for the Future. The organisers have decided to embrace this mindset and run DIG in a hybrid format. There are options to attend and present in person or via an online platform. Experts will be presenting research from international and interstate locations, continuing to include the broad network of countries affected by Phytophthora in the discourse, depite travel restrictions.

For program details, please visit the official conference website.