ReWild Perth Newsletter (October 2023)

1st November, 2023

Kambarang is here! The return of hot weather signals the start of the Noongar season Kambarang, represented by the colour yellow.

Following on from Djilba, we continue to see an explosion of colour with plants blooming throughout the Perth region, including yellow Acacias, some Banksias, kangaroo paws, and the tiny white flowers of balga spikes. We’ll begin to see more reptiles awakening from their winter hibernation, as they move to bask in the sun and search for food.

In October, mental health awareness month, we reflected how ​​​​​​“tending to plants can help us to relax, connect with others, connect with culture, and take care of the environment” (Headspace). Take care of yourself and the environment, enjoy your garden and invited guests this season, and every season!

Keep reading for our Kambarang gardening tips and this season’s featured plants and animals, and upcoming events including workshops for creating nest boxes and planting natives in small spaces!

Read the Kambarang / October 2023 ReWild Perth newsletter here

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