Caring for Noongar Boodja

The key aim was to build connection to culture, language and country to help develop capacity and capability of the Noongar community to effectively care for the environment.

Project Overview

The Caring for Noongar Boodja – Elders, schools and community working together project has successfully brought together many different groups and organisations to Care for Country. Conceived after successful projects focused on the Noongar Six Seasons this project envisaged initiating and supporting on-going partnerships to undertake environmental activities using traditional ecological knowledge in combination with current conservation science and practical resource management.

One of the key aims was to build connection to culture, language and country to help develop capacity and capability of the Noongar community to effectively care for the environment.

During the project’s first year over 600 students from Fremantle Primary School, Samson Park Primary School and All Saints College participated in activities. They learned from Elders about the significance of the native animals, which plants had medicinal properties, or were used for food and shelter and learned their Noongar names. Their enthusiasm made a big impact to two natural areas and community members remarked on their hard work. There were smiles all round and many asked if they could do it again.

Coordinated by Perth NRM the project was supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program

Project Stories


We acknowledge and appreciate the support of all our partners, supporters, funding bodies and sponsors.

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