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Our Projects

Perth NRM works across a wide range of projects through our Environment, Sustainable Agriculture and Community programs. Our purpose is to empower people to make positive ecological impacts.

Sediment Task Force

The Sediment Task Force is coordinated by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions as part of their Healthy Catchments Program.

Smart Farms Small Grants

Perth NRM works with stakeholders to secure and implement Smart Farms Small Grants from the Australian Government.

Swan Canning River Recovery

This project is currently targeting the Middle Canning region of our major river systems, with support from the Australian Government's Environmental Restoration Fund.


You can support Perth NRM in our efforts to create a more sustainable Perth with a tax-deductible donation.

Containers For Change

We are now registered with the Containers for Change, so you can use your waste to make a donation to us.

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