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Our Projects

Perth NRM works across a wide range of projects through our Environment, Sustainable Agriculture and Community programs. Our purpose is to empower people to make positive ecological impacts.

Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning

This Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (ERP) considers the most likely disaster scenarios for the Swan Region, which include bushfires, severe storms, heatwaves and plant pest/disease incursion

ReWild Perth

ReWild Perth is a program to provide you with advice on how to build eye-catching gardens with local wildlife in mind.

Swan Alcoa Landcare Program (SALP)

The Swan Alcoa Landcare Program has been successfully delivering onground works for 26 years, delivering more than $10M to community groups in the region.

Fish Habitat Restoration Project

Creating new Black Pygmy Mussel beds in the upper Swan-Canning Estuary may improve overall estuary health and provide a food source encouraging the repopulation of key fishery species.

Gardening for Wildlife

Citizen Science Project: ‘Turning gardeners into conservationists: using gardens to conserve wildlife.’

Glossy Leaf Hammer Orchid Recovery Project

Our region supports one of the largest remnant populations of the Glossy Leaf Hammer Orchid

Planning for Climate Change Project

The Planning for Climate Change Project ensured the development of the Swan Region Strategy for Natural Resource Management incorporated latest climate change knowledge.

Sediment Task Force

The Sediment Task Force is coordinated by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions as part of their Healthy Catchments Program.

Swan Canning River Recovery

This project is currently targeting the Middle Canning region of our major river systems, with support from the Australian Government's Environmental Restoration Fund.

Swan Region Strategy

The Swan Region Strategy for Natural Resource Management provides a strategic, integrated framework for natural resource management in the Swan Region of Western Australia.

Threatened Ecological Communities

Improving the condition of Threatened Ecological Communities, Stage 2

Threatened Species

This Regional Land Partnership project will manage populations and habitat at a local scale to improve the trajectory and distribution of priority species.


You can support Perth NRM in our efforts to create a more sustainable Perth with a tax-deductible donation.

Containers For Change

We are now registered with the Containers for Change, so you can use your waste to make a donation to us.

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