Welcome to Perth NRM's news and media releases page. We cover a range of project updates, news and feature articles.
Welcome to Perth NRM's news and media releases page. We cover a range of project updates, news and feature articles.
Welcome to the December edition of the Perth NRM Newsletter in the Noongar season of Birak, known as the 'Season of the Young.'
During November Craig Pensini Project Manager, Collective Impact had the opportunity to deliver two public presentations on the activities of the Collective Impact framework.
Perth NRM’s 2024 AGM was held on November 12 at the Canning River Eco Education Centre, with a focus on Collective Impact.
Perth NRM’s Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator, Tibby Tuckett, has been actively engaging with the community over the past couple of months.
The beginning of October brings with it the Noongar Season of Kambarang, and the latest edition of the Perth NRM newsletter!
Perth NRM Completes Groundbreaking Natural Capital Accounting Project to Boost Sustainable Farming in Western Australia
Welcome to the Noongar season of Djilba, and the August edition of Perth NRM's newsletter.
The project involved 645 surveys across 20 farms, with ecological surveys making up over 60% of these.
At the beginning of May, Perth NRM's Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator (SAF), Tibby Tuckett, attended the inaugural SAF Conference in Canberra.
Welcome to the May edition of Perth NRM's newsletter for 2024 in the Noongar season of Djeran.
Perth NRM recently established a separate Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) from which to run the for-purpose RegenWA program.
RegenWA partnered with Mulloon for this 2 day skills-based bootcamp in Carrolup.
Restoring natural capital through a collective impact approach
Perth NRM invites nominations from suitably qualified people for two Board of Management positions.
Perth NRM invites nominations from suitably qualified people for the position of Independent Chair of the Nominations Committee.
Welcome to the first Perth NRM newsletter for 2024!
Women's STEM JumpStart Program
Please donate your eligible containers in our name!
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