16th May, 2022 - 22nd May, 2022
Start Time
Event Length

Monday – Thursday, May 16-19

Regenerating Australia
Special Screenings with Q&A: Damon Gameau (director) and panelists.

Regen Studios and WWF-Australia invite you to the regional launches of Regenerating Australia, a new short documentary film by award-winning filmmaker Damon Gameau (2040, That Sugar Film).

These once-off events are taking place in Busselton, Margaret River, Luna SX (Fremantle) and Luna Leederville.

Follow this link for details and booking information.

Monday – Friday, May 16-20

Notley Late Easter Excursion – A week of nature walks

Monday – Kalamunda: Piesse Brook to Rocky Pool (4.7km return, grade easy)
Tuesday – The Spectacles Aboriginal and Heritage Trail (5 km circuit).
Wednesday – Mosman Park – Minim Cove to Rocky Bay / Garanup Park (5.7 km return)
Thursday – Guilderton – coast and Moore River estuary
Friday – Midland – Woodbridge Riverside Park to Reg Bond Reserve (John George Walk Trail, 5.5 km one-way)

Follow this link for details.

Wednesday, May 18

Environment Matters
Food and farming: the untapped opportunity to fight climate change and biodiversity loss

Hosted by Conservation Council of WA (CCWA) and Wide Open Agriculture (WOA)

Wednesday 18 May, 6pm – 8pm

Murdoch University – Kim E. Beazley Theatre

Follow this link for details and booking information.

Thursday, May 19

Celebrating Community-Driven Conservation

Join Perth NRM at the beautiful WA Museum Boola Bardip at the Perth Cultural Centre as we celebrate community conservation and release the findings of the Community Capacity Assessment (CCA 2021), prepared by Perth NRM through funding from the WA Government’s State NRM Program.

Follow this link for details and booking information.

Friday, May 20

Logo for WALGA

Harnessing the Benefits of Volunteerism in Natural Areas

WALGA invites you to attend a workshop on Harnessing the Benefits of Volunteerism in Natural Areas. The program features speakers from peak NGOs, Perth NRM, LGIS, SERCUL, Local Government, Landcare groups and Friends of groups.

The event is relevant for Local Government staff in environment and sustainability, health, governance and community development areas from across the State.

Bookings are essential. Follow this link for more information.

Saturday, May 21

AGLG Planting Image

Planting at Southernwood Park

Join AGLG for a community planting of 1500 local native river foreshore species to expand and rehabilitate the natural southern river environment in the City of Gosnells.

Please bring your own water bottle, hat, sunnies, gardening gloves and closed in shoes-all planting tools will be supplied on the day. This will be a COVID safe event, outdoors in the fresh air, handwashing and social distancing will be strongly encouraged.

Follow this link for more information.

Sunday, May 22

Samson Park Community Planting Day

Samson Park is one of two Bush Forever sites in the City of Fremantle. It has magnificent Tuart, Marri and Jarrah canopies, though some of the understory requires regeneration, so Friends of Samson Park group organise an annual Community Planting Day.

Friends of Samson Park would like to invite you to give us a hand on Sunday 22nd May as we plant 1470 seedlings. All ages are welcome.

Follow this link for more information.


Does your group have anything special planned between Monday 16 May and Sunday 22 May?

You can add your event here for the Week of Action in support of the International Day for Biodiversity

There are two ways you can share your events with us:

Online Form


Please include:

Your name and contact details:

Name of the group:

Event title, time, and location of the event:

If possible, a Facebook or Website link to your event.

The event will be added to the Perth Calendar – Week of Action Marking the International Day for Biodiversity.

This calendar will be promoted and publicly published.


This project is supported by funding from the WA Government’s State NRM Program.