A family-friendly festival connecting people, nature and culture.
Enjoy stalls, markets, workshops, walks, talks and music showcasing our amazing fauna and flora, what you can do in your home and local area, and celebrating Noongar culture!
The 10:00am – 3:00pm fun-filled schedule includes;
ABC’s Gardening Australia presenter Josh Byrne on ‘Our Gardens’ – supported by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and the River Guardians program.
Simon Cherriman – ‘By gum!’ tree talk and nest box workshop.
Kings Park & Perth Zoo.
Bite-sized science talks from young conservationists & experienced researchers.
Hands-on activities – painting, bug hunts, microscopes, board games, workshops & more!
Coffee & food trucks.
Tix: $5 kid, $10 concession, $18 adult, $40 family (2 adult/2 kid)
This event is a collaboration hosted by ReWild Perth, Naturelink Perth and Birdlife Australia. Thanks to major supporter Lotterywest and Murdoch University.