4th November, 2020
Start Time
End Time
Event Length
Evening event - Light refreshment provided
Bentley Technology Park Function Centre
2 Brodie-Hall Drive, Bentley
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, venue capacity is limited to 80 persons.

Handwashing stations will be available and social distancing encouraged.

Please join us for our Annual General Meeting, which will include a short session for AGM formalities before progressing to public presentations.

Light refreshments will be available, and social distancing measures will be encouraged.

Numbers are strictly limited, so be sure to register ASAP.


Professor Kingsley Dixon

It is a special pleasure to have Professor Kingsley Dixon join us for our AGM. His work as an educator, researcher, author and advocate for our unique Western Australian environment has been nothing short of inspirational.

Earlier this year, Professor Dixon launched the second, updated edition of A Guide to the Identification and Restoration of Plants of the Greater Perth Coast with the CSIRO and was also kind enough to record a special message for us for International Day of Biological Diversity.

Jim Mackintosh, Director, Landscape Development & Support, Commonland

Commonland’s Landscape Development & Support team is responsible for helping kickstart and catalyse large scale landscape restoration initiatives with partners throughout the world using the 4 Returns: Inspiration, Social Capital, Natural Capital and Financial Capital.

Commonland has been working with Perth NRM across a number of areas, making the expression ‘think globally, act locally’ a two-way street.

Jim will provide a global context for some of the work we are undertaking in our region.


ReWild Perth logo

Perth NRM has been talking about ReWild for some time now, and the development of this new online resource is in full swing.

Environment Program Manager Luke McMillan and Communications Manager Sabian Wilde will co-present a sneak preview of the website and the philosophy behind the program.

Built in partnership with Birdlife Australia (WA), Perth NRM believes this will be the first resource of its kind, bringing together localised native plant and animal information in an accessible format to encourage improved biodiversity values to our homes and gardens.