15th April, 2021
Start Time
End Time
Wells Park
Wells Park, Kwinana Beach Road, Kwinana Beach, WA 6167
Look out for the Perth NRM flags near the Wells Park Toilet Block!

Calling children aged 6-12, bring your family along to explore your local beach on a guided beachcombing experience. This is a great way to discover local biodiversity, how we can help our coastal environment and have fun at the beach!

*Please note: children need to be accompanied by an adult for the session

*Bookings Essential, Tickets $10 each – only children participating are required to purchase a ticket

Adopt A Beach is a Perth NRM initiative, supported by the Feilman Foundation.

This activity is supported by the Perth NRM Coastal + Marine’s Coastal Capacity Building Program, sponsored by Coastwest – Department of Planning, Lands & Heritage.


We acknowledge and appreciate the support of all our partners, supporters, funding bodies and sponsors.