Sediment Snapshot Success at WA Stormwater Awards

5th June, 2024

‘Sediment Snapshot’ Pilot Trial receives the 2024 Stormwater WA Award for Excellence in Research and Innovation

The Sediment Task Force/Perth South West Metropolitan Alliance’s ‘Sediment Snapshot’ Pilot Trial has won the 2024 Stormwater WA Award for Excellence in Research and Innovation. This Award recognises excellence in research and innovation that fills knowledge gaps and/or addresses information or technology needs which lead to improvements in the sustainable use and management of stormwater.

The ‘Sediment Snapshot’ tool was developed by Bronwyn Scallan, Sediment Project Manager at Perth NRM. It aims to assist Local Governments to improve their understanding of the extent of sediment loss during land development in a local and regional context and its impact on Local Government assets including drainage and Water Sensitive Urban Design infrastructure and the natural environment, by collecting baseline data regarding rates and effectiveness of on-site sediment control and legislative compliance.

Undertaken in 2023, prior to winter rainfalls, participation in the Perth South West Region’s ‘Sediment Snapshot’ has increased the awareness of local government officers of this important issue and built their capacity to identify the main risks and sources of sediment pollution during land development, assess industry compliance with local laws and regulations and encourage intervention measures.

The Snapshot also addressed key community concerns, often received by Perth South West Councils as complaints of dust and sand movement and contamination of receiving environments, and the significant cost to Councils of maintaining and repairing stormwater assets when damaged through infilling with sediment.

According to Dr Kathleeen Broderick, Perth South West’s NRM Facilitator “while there has been a general level of awareness of some concerns about sediment management within local governments, the ‘Sediment Snapshot’ built capacity and gathered data in a low cost and highly effective way. The excellence of this project is demonstrated through the highly collaborative approach taken, building on the work of the Sediment Task Force, and by the delivery of clear information about the scope and scale of the problem and recommendations and practical steps for future management.

Congratulations and a huge thank you to all the organisations involved in supporting and making the Sediment Snapshot a reality and a success. Special mention goes to the Perth South West Metropolitan Alliance, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and the Cities of Cockburn, Kwinana and Melville, to the Officers involved in the Snapshot workshops and site inspections, and to those progressing the recommendations and local actions identified during the Snapshot, to prevent sedimentation of waterways and wetlands.

Local Governments are invited to consider using or adapting the ‘Sediment Snapshot’ tool to help them understand the magnitude of poor sediment management practices in their jurisdiction, for decision making purposes and to identify potential solutions.

Download the Perth South West Region ‘Sediment Snapshot’ Pilot Trial Summary Report

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