Greetings From the Chair, Dr Bruce Hegge

18th December, 2019
Man in business shirt and jacket wearing a Santa hat

As we move toward the end of 2019, I’d like to take a moment to thank you all for joining us at our events, workshops, speaking engagements or just subscribing to this newsletter.

At the time of writing, our country is beset by bushfires and Australia’s engagement with climate change is sadly lagging on the world stage.  But at Perth NRM we see the efforts of people on the ground every day to make positive changes for our bushlands, coastlines, food systems, and community empowerment.

A quick scan of the Perth NRM Events Calendar shows that there is community-led environmental action every day of the week, with community groups working to protect, preserve and enhance our natural assets. This is the foundation of our hopes for the future.

In 2019, Perth NRM released its Vision for Perth 2050, The New Normal. This is an aspirational view of what we can achieve together, and our communities are an important part of achieving and refining this vision.

We were very fortunate to be joined at our Annual General Meeting by the Chief Scientist of Western Australia, Professor Peter Klinken, who said, “What we have to do is take these really good, solid ideas and translate them into practical outcomes, so that when we look back – and our koolangka [children] look back at us – they can say, ‘they got it right. This was their moment when they had to stand up, and they got it right’.”

This is our challenge; to put this vision into action.

The feedback we have already received from our stakeholders is not only gratifying, it is essential in shaping our future activities. Perth NRM intends to be more active in responding to institutional and government requests for stakeholder engagement, and we will do this with input from our communities and reference to our Vision.  To support delivery of our Vision we will seek to increase our engagement with the local Aboriginal communities as Traditional Owners of the Perth region.

In addition to the community groups we engage with, many of which are also part of the Swan Alcoa Landcare Program (managed by Perth NRM on behalf of the DBCA and Alcoa Australia), Perth NRM also manages a wide range of professional/scientific land management programs under the Australian Government’s Regional Land Partnerships, including the protection of Threatened Ecological Communities and the development of a Food Security Plan for WA.

It is indeed an exciting time and there is much to hope for, and much that can be achieved.

In closing, I wish you all the very best of the season and hope you enjoy some time with family and friends.

We look forward to seeing and working with you in the New Year.

Dr Bruce Hegge

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