2018 Boneseed Blitz highlights seed longevity

27th November, 2018

The 2018 'Boneseed Blitz' took place during September and October and marked the 10 years of coordinated boneseed surveillance and control in the Perth Region.

Boneseed has proven a formidable foe – at a site where a mature plant was removed back in 2009, 56 seedlings germinated in 2018.

The Local governments of Armadale, Kalamunda, Mundaring and Swan, and the South East Regional Council for Urban Landcare (SERCUL) have made invaluable contributions in the field, thoroughly surveying and controlling infestations over this period.

Boneseed is recorded at 34 infestation points in the Perth metropolitan area. Because of challenges in accessing the sites and managing enormous seedbanks, four of these sites would be considered ‘active’ – likely to be yielding new mature plants and having a fresh and full seed bank. The rest of the sites are either presumed extirpated or under successful management and moving toward local eradication.

Boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp. monilifera) is a Weed of National Significance that invades vast areas of native bushland in South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria. It is a fast growing, aggressive plant that threatens the survival of native plants, degrades native bushland and displaces food plants of native animals. Boneseed is a serious threat to Western Australia’s unique biodiversity, and the entire southwest region is susceptible to boneseed invasion.

Small infestations have been found across the state in: Perth Hills, Upper Swan, Nabawa, Toodyay, Wyalkatchem, Boddington, Wandering, Narrogin, Woodanilling, Albany, Many Peaks and Busselton. All infestations were caused by seeds escaping from residential gardens, as boneseed fruits are spread quickly by birds and other animals. The goal of the Boneseed Blitz is to find and eradicate new infestations in WA. Perth NRM will no longer be conducting Boneseed Blitz’s under our new funding program, however, you can help with the eradication program by reporting any suspected boneseed plants in your region.

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